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Now that you are fully familiar with all that is Moonsama, you have arrived at another major topic in the Moonsama project.

This lesson will introduce you to the awesome “Lokito’s Academy”.

Lokito is the OG Moonsama Minecraft teacher and a pivotal person with the Moonsama project, in this video you can see him demonstrating his signature “/roundhouse”:

Lokito’s Academy is designed as a self-service educational tool to teach you Minecraft skills over various topics. For each topic there is a specific room in Lokito’s Academy server, some topics are supplemented by supporting video's and tutorials.

Lokito's Academy server is a separate Moonsama Minecraft server, this server has been specifically created to teach YOU Moonsama Minecraft skills.

📢Please note: only one player can enter a room at once. If a player has already entered a room before you did and is still there you will not be able to enter it.

To join the Lokito’s Academy Minecraft server first go to the central Moonsama Minecraft server here:mc.moonsama.comThen type “/academy” in the game chat and you will arrive at Lokito’s Academy!

If you need more details regarding setting up Moonsama Minecraft servers please refer to this lesson.

Lokito’s Academy overview

This section explains the set-up of the Academy and how you can find your way around, if you are lost or unsure how to proceed there are many villagers available who are very helpful, in most cases.

Academy Lobby

When you enter Lokito’s Academy server you will find yourself in the Lobby. From here you can teleport to other Moonsama Minecraft servers such as Townhall and Chaos:

From the Lobby you can walk to the challenge of your choosing, you can go to the original Lokito’s Academy (Big Playa Hall) or you can choose one of the additional challenges. There are multiple challenges available for you to choose from. All the additional challenges can be found in: Thugz Mansion

Navigating Lokito’s Academy

This is the main entrance of Lokito’s Academy (Big Playa Hall), the signs direct you to the different area’s:

When you enter Big Playa hall:

you will be greeted by the director of pimpology, right click him for directions if needed:

The great hall of Lokito’s Academy has 8 stairs:

Each of the stairs will lead you to a different training room, there is a villager in front of each stairs which informs you to which room it leads. Here you can see one of the villagers in front of one of the stairs:

To enter a room walk to the top of the stairs, this will teleport you to the room.This is the enchantment room for instance:

After you have completed a specific area or room you can move to the next one by using this pressure plate mechanism:

Topics in Lokito’s Academy

These are the specific topics that you will be educating yourself on, for each topic there is a specific room which you will find in Lokito’s Academy server, some topics are supplemented by additional video's and tutorials in this introduction guide:

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