The Moonsama Community Wiki


The Moonsama Community Wiki

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Moonsama NFT's are the core of the magnificent Moonsama project, these legendary and eternally liquid NFT's bring special benefits to their holders along with the Multiverse Art Skins. VIP-Tickets bring benefits as well, but to a lesser degree, the following infographic gives a general indication of the benefits of these three Moonsama related NFT's:

This page will explain each of these benefits in more detail, the following benefits will be discussed:

Moonsama Metaverse Game access

MoonsamaNFT's, Multiverse Art Skins and VIP-Tickets provide access to Moonsama Metaverse games, such as:

Moonsama Metaverse Game and Economic Buffs

Moonsama Metaverse Game Benefits

Every MoonsamaNFT or Multiverse Art Skin that has been bridged provides the holder with in-game benefits:

Other buffs:

Please note: When you are playing and you select a ticket/default skin as your avatar, buffs are still applied.

Colored Player Name

The number of bridged MoonsamaNFT's or Multiverse Art Skins is indicated by the player name:

Moonsama Economic Buffs

Each Sunday at 16:00 UTC the awesome Carnage event takes place.

During this event the aim is to gather as much resources as possible, these resources are bridged to your wallet after the event and play an important role in the Moonsama economy.

For reference, these are the specific Minecraft resources that can be bridged:


"Gganbu (간부) always share everything with each other no matter what".

Currently the following system is in place:

In the future additional economic benefits will be provided to MoonsamaNFT's.

Moonsama Governance votes

Holding a MoonsamaNFT provides the holder with Moonsama governance votes.

These votes are used to come to a decision on important matters as a community.

Each Moonsama you hold provides you with 1 vote:

Voting systems:

In the early days of Moonsama voting took place via the mechanism explained below, now we vote in our magnificent Townhall!

Snapshot voting

Follow this url to go to the MoonsamaNFT voting systems:

Please note to vote you need to connect your Metamask wallet which holds your MoonsamaNFT's. When you click "Connect wallet in the below screenshot your MetaMask will popup and ask you to confirm that you wish to connect.

✍️Please note: To determine your voting power (number of votes) it needs to be determined how many MoonsamaNFT's you hold at the time of voting.Your Moonsama NFT's count for a vote if they are:

Currently these have been two governance votes regarding the following subjects:

The 1st vote was mainly conducted to test the governance system, no-one voted "No" 😂

The 2nd vote gave Moonsama NFT holders the opportunity to vote against the introduction of the seasonal server. On this subject the community was of one mind once more 0 MoonsamaNFT's voted "No":

On chain voting in Moonsama Townhall

Currently MoonsamaNFT holders vote on chain in our spectacular Townhall for all proposals brought forward by the team and community:

How to Vote

When there is a poll open, to vote a Moonsama owner would need:

1) Enter the minecraft townhall (via the portal or use of slash commands see here)

2) Go to a lectern and right-click to open the book to then select how they would like to vote.

3) After a selection within the book, the user will then be asked to confirm in the chat of their selection within a specified time. This when confirmed correctly will complete the vote.

Moonsama Airdrops

Holding a MoonsamaNFT entitles you to the great benefit of regular airdrops.

Each MoonsamaNFT you hold provides you with 1 airdrop:

As a MoonsamaNFT holder, you can receive airdrops in two different ways:

Your MoonsamaNFT's count for eligibility if they are:

Previous airdrops:

Currently two airdrops have been distributed to MoonsamaNFT holders, these are the following NFT's:

This is the VIP Ticket:

To determine your eligibility for general airdrops, it needs to be determined how many MoonsamaNFT's you hold at the time of distribution.

Moonsama Community Art

The Moonsama community are very active and talented in the art world, please see some of the great artistic impressions they have shared below:




By W124eth:

On This Page