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Join the resistance to liberate NOVA

Exosama is a groundbreaking NFT collection from the creative minds behind the Moonsama Multiverse that pushes the boundaries of digital assets and gaming. The collection features 10,000 high-fidelity, composable EXO avatars on the Ethereum blockchain, with interoperability on Polkadot. Launched in September 2022, Exosama has attracted significant attention and support from the NFT community, raising approximately $4 million in a pre-mint sale. The collection's innovative design sets it apart from other NFT projects, offering multi-chain compatibility, evolvable assets, and a rich narrative.

The captivating story of Exosama unfolds in the post-apocalyptic world of Aurora, where the city of Nova is gripped by crime and chaos. Futuristic cyborg avatars called EXOs, designed by Art Director Justine Cruz (known for his renowned work on Magic: The Gathering), are tasked with restoring peace and order. Players must use their avatars to aid the Resistance in overthrowing the oppressive regime and liberating the city.

Leveraging the Moonsama 2.0 Protocol, players can equip and evolve their EXOs with various outfits, weapons, hairstyles, companions, and more. This level of customization enhances the gaming experience as players adapt and develop their avatars to suit their unique playstyles.

The Perks for Holding an Exosama NFT

Own an Exosama NFT to gain access to:

💡 If you already own an Exosama NFT please see more information on getting started in the Metaverse here: Metaverse Quick Start Guide

Battle for Nova: A New Metaverse Experience

(Coming Q3 2023)

The Battle for Nova is set to revolutionize the metaverse with a gaming experience unlike any other. As a new and open metaverse, it will immerse players in a captivating, interactive, and dynamic world where their choices and actions directly influence the outcome of the story. This innovative metaverse will blend cutting-edge technology with deep narrative engagement, featuring thrilling gameplay, breathtaking visuals, and seamless integration with Exosama NFTs.

Players will explore a vast and diverse landscape, engage in strategic battles, and forge alliances with other players in the fight for Nova's freedom. The Battle for Nova will be a living, evolving world that responds to players' decisions and evolves over time, offering endless opportunities for exploration, collaboration, and competition.

As the Battle for Nova unfolds, players will witness the true potential of the Exosama NFT collection, with its rich and immersive gameplay experiences that push the boundaries of what the metaverse can offer. The Battle for Nova is poised to become a flagship title in the world of metaverse gaming, setting a new standard for interactivity, excitement, and community-driven experiences.

Exosama invites you to the front lines to fight for freedom! The battle for Nova's future is in your hands. Enlist now to help determine the destiny of this world. The greatest challenges lie ahead, with the greatest rewards for those who emerge victorious. The time has come to prove your worth - the Battle for Nova begins!

Where to Buy Exosama

To buy a Exosama NFT, visit the OpenSea collection by selecting the button below:

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