The Collections page on the Moonsama Marketplace is where you can explore the various Moonsama metaverse NFT collections available within the Moonsama ecosystem. Each collection is linked to a specific ERC standard, either ERC721 or ERC1155, indicating the type of NFTs within the collection.
The page features a selector that allows you to choose between different blockchains, updating the marketplace with collections on that chain. Click here to select which one.
Then select which chain you'd like to change to.
1. Sama Network:
This chain features collections such as:
- Moonsama Multiverse Resources (MMR) - Resources used for crafting.
- Multiverse PODs (POD) - Equippable headphones augmenting powers into the Moonsama Metaverse.
- Sama Box (SAMABOX) - Craftable box using resources on workbench
- Multiverse Items (MITEM) - Equippable items augmenting powers into Moonsama metaverse.
- Multiverse Costumes (MCSTM) - Customizer based items for your metaverse NFT Moonsama and Exosama avatars.
- Multiverse Backgrounds (MBCKGRND) - Items to equip into your NFT to customize the background.
- Multiverse Keys (MKEY), and Moonsama Embassy (EMBASSY) - Game passes for the metaverse.
2. Moonriver: This network includes collections such as:
- Moonsama (MSAMA),
- Pondsama (PONDSAMA),
- Multiverse Asset Factory (MMAF),
- Multiverse Art (MMA),
- Msama MC Plots S1 (MMPLOTS1),
- Sama Box (SAMABOX), and Moonsama Embassy (MEMBASSY).
3. Moonbeam Network: This network currently hosts the ??? collection (MEGG), which has not yet been released.
For more on the benefits and use of the items for sale in the Marketplace please see the Crafting and Equippables wiki section here Crafting and Equippables