The Moonsama Community Wiki


The Moonsama Community Wiki

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The Moonsama Metaverse Services (mcapi) is a web portal developed by Moonsama's gaming wizard Heax that serves as a gateway to the Moonsama Metaverse. The site provides a comprehensive overview of the Metaverse and its roadmap, along with sections dedicated to the Townhall, Seasons, Carnage, and Game Stats. Users can also find a Help section for assistance and a login portal for the Multiverse. The mcapi site also provides a link to the Bridge Login page, further connecting the various elements of the Moonsama Metaverse.

To learn more on what is available on this website please see the topics below.


The Roadmap page provides a detailed timeline of project development starting from June 2023. This page had been added due to the extensive number of releases planned for Junesama and it has the potential to offer transparency and tracking for project releases into the future.

The roadmap is organized into weekly segments, each detailing the tasks planned for that period and their current status. The status of tasks is categorized as "Delivered", "Imminent", or "Delayed". The roadmap serves as a transparent tool for users and stakeholders to track the progress of the Moonsama Metaverse project. It's important to note that tasks marked as "Imminent" may experience slight delays to prevent release clashes.

For more information please see the roadmap page by selecting the button below:


The Moonsama Metaverse API (mcapi) Townhall page is a democratic platform where community members can vote on various issues and proposals related to the Moonsama Metaverse. Each vote includes details such as the initiator of the vote, the deadline for voting, and the results of the vote. This transparent process allows the community to have a say in the development and direction of the Moonsama Metaverse. The Townhall page also provides the Minecraft Server Address for the Moonsama Metaverse where users can add votes using their Moonsama or Exosama.


The Seasons page provides information about the ongoing and past seasons in the Moonsama Metaverse. Each season presents a unique goal for the players to achieve, fostering competition and engagement within the community. The page also provides a historical record of past seasons, detailing the duration and specific goals of each season. This allows users to track the evolution of gameplay and objectives in the Moonsama Metaverse.


The Carnage page is a hub for the Carnage events in the Moonsama Metaverse. The page provides a countdown to the next Carnage event and lists the Minecraft Server Addresses for different regions. The Carnage page also includes a comprehensive list of patch notes, detailing changes and updates to the game mechanics. These notes cover a wide range of topics, from the introduction of new items and mechanics to changes in server capacity and gameplay rules. This page serves as a vital resource for players looking to stay updated on the latest developments in the Moonsama Metaverse Carnage events.

Game Stats

The Game Stats page serves as a historical record of past games and events in the Moonsama Metaverse. The page provides a comprehensive list of these events, organized by month and year. Each entry corresponds to a specific event, such as a "Carnage Week" or a special event like a tournament or season. The page also provides links to the scoreboards and stats for some of these events, allowing users to review the outcomes and performance metrics of past games. This page is a valuable resource for players looking to track the history and progress of gameplay in the Moonsama Metaverse.

Help / Get Started

The Get Started page is a comprehensive guide designed to help new users navigate the initial steps of joining the Moonsama Minecraft Metaverse. The guide covers essential steps such as purchasing Minecraft Java Edition, buying a game pass, staking assets, joining the game, and completing the preparation process. The page also provides solutions to common issues that users may encounter, making it a valuable resource for newcomers to the Moonsama Metaverse. The guide is designed to be user-friendly, with clear instructions and links to relevant resources, ensuring a smooth onboarding process for all users.

Multiverse Portal Login

The Moonsama Metaverse services website also includes a direct link to the Multiverse Portal to get you ready to join into the metaverse. Select the button below to navigate to the portal now.

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